The Kingston Brooch is the largest and finest Anglo-Saxon brooch of its kind ever found. It is made of gold with settings of garnet, blue glass and shell, and is over 1300 years old. An extensive early medieval cemetery was excavated in 1767-73 by the Rev. Bryan Faussett The brooch was found in 1771 at a place called Kingston Down in Kent. Underneath a large burial mound was a huge grave containing a sturdy coffin with the skeleton of a small woman wearing the brooch that we believe was made between 600 and 625. The brooch’s quality demonstrates the high Level of skill of the craftsmen around Faversham where the brooch originated – a truly Kentish masterpiece. It is now on display in the World Museum, Liverpool.
Further excavations at the site took place in the 20th century. The excavations revealed an extensive cemetery containing over 300 burials. More than 180 were buried in wooden coffins and most marked by small mounds, or barrows. Almost all were buried with their heads to the west. Numerous grave goods have been recovered including weapons, beads, Christian crosses and glass vessels.